Financial and pension planning
With early financial planning, you will be able to organise the third stage of your life yourself and be less dependent on external circumstances.
To ensure that your goals do not remain wishes, we work with you to create a holistic and independent financial plan that is tailored to your needs and individual situation.
Tax consultancy
In addition to processing your tax return, we actively assist you with forward-looking tax planning.
Whether selling a property and property gains tax, holistic financial and pension planning or moving away from Switzerland - certain life situations offer opportunities for optimisation.
Pension planning
When it comes to pension provision, many people think of old-age provision. With holistic planning, we also show you what the beneficiaries from the various pillars look like and what optimisation options are available to provide the best possible support for surviving dependants.
We support you during implementation and work with you to develop a customised concept.

Cohabitation - taxes, property, inheritance and pensions
Cohabitation is not legally regulated in Switzerland and offers contractual freedom. However, it brings with it tax and legal challenges. As an alternative to marriage, it requires individual safeguards ...

What will change in 2025?
The most important changes in 2025 with regard to AHV, occupational pensions, tied pillar 3a and other relevant changes for your personal financial planning.
Who receives my money from the pension fund, 3a account, or vested benefits account in the event of death?
It is well known that knowledge about one's own pension assets from the second pillar is often only superficial. However, at the latest when it comes to the possibilities under pension law with regard to the ...

The vested benefits account and vested benefits credit balance for cross-border commuters and expats

Home ownership in old age, sell or keep?
The most frequently cited reason for staying in a large detached house is that a rented flat would be more expensive! Whether this prejudice is actually true when you look at the overall situation, what advantages and disadvantages the two variants ...

Partial revision of the AHV: elimination of unequal treatment of widows' and widowers' pensions
In a judgement from 2022, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) found that widows and widowers are treated unequally in Switzerland with regard to survivors' pensions. ...
You will regularly receive useful guides on all financial topics, checklists for your planning and information on changes to the law.
What our customers say ...
Sehr persönliche, wohlwollende und faire Beratung. Geduldiges - falls nötig auch mehrmaliges Erklären. Zuverlässiges Zurückrufen. Ich konnte vom fundierten Fachwissen von Fabio sehr profitieren. Herzlichen Dank! Pia Erni27. Dezember, 2024 - Finanzplaner hat eine umgängliche, sympathische Art - Ist vielfältig kompetent und arbeitet mit dem Kunden auf Augenhöhe - War jederzeit bereit, auf unsere Fragen zu antworten - Mails wurden immer zeitnah beantwortet; sogar während den Ferien - Unterstützung bei der Auswahl der Bank war sehr wertvoll - Begleitung beim Kauf & Werkvertrag bis zur notariellen Beurkundung gab uns Sicherheit Thomas Haller3. September, 2024 I've had a great experience working with Mr. Annen. This year I had two simultaneous and urgent requests pertaining to this and last year's taxes, with one approaching and one missed deadline. I asked for Mr. Annen's help – he responded within hours, called the relevant authorities the same day and managed to get both deadlines extended. He then proceeded to resolve both requests in the following weeks and submitting the required documentation on time. I'm very satisfied with Mr. Annen's work and will definitely turn to FINBERG for help in the future. Daniil Mirylenka23. Mai, 2024 Fabio was extremely responsive and helpful from our first contact. He advised me on a number of complex and inter-related questions connected to my work situation, retirement, my immigration status, and the social security and tax implications. I am a UK national, so the questions were even more complex because of Brexit. Fabio reached out to other advisors when necessary and was very diligent at chasing down answers and using his network to assist. and answer my many questions. He helped me navigate complex issues and gave me the confidence to make difficult decisions. I can highly recommend Fabio as a diligent and thoughtful financial advisor. Julia Runnacles20. Mai, 2024 The most professional, friendly and uncomplicated mortgage experience ever. Super-professional company. Guided us through the process, and dealt with the interaction with the seller. I cannot recommend them enough! Michalis Vlachos9. April, 2024 Ich bin absolut begeistert von der Zusammenarbeit mit Herrn Annen! Seine fachliche Kompetenz, gepaart mit seiner freundlichen und aufgeschlossenen Art, hat die Zusammenarbeit zu einem echten Highlight gemacht. Ein grosses Dankeschön für die tolle Unterstützung! Öztürk Umut17. Januar, 2024 Super freundliche & ganzheitliche Betreuung beim Abschluss unserer Hypothek. Joris Ryf10. Dezember, 2023 Very pleased with the services provided by Finberg and I can highly recommend them; competence in tax, wealth & financial planning and property financing. Best I’ve seen by quite a margin! Jaap Gerritzen3. November, 2023 Ich habe vor kurzem die Dienste von Finberg AG in Anspruch genommen und bin mit dem Ergebnis sehr zufrieden - Herr Annen hat meine Erwartungen weit übertroffen. Bei unserem ersten Treffen hat er sich viel Zeit genommen, um sich einen Überblick über meine finanzielle Situation zu verschaffen und meine Fragen vorab zu beantworten. Besonders beeindruckt hat mich das umfassende Fachwissen von Herrn Annen und seine Fähigkeit, komplexe Finanzthemen klar und verständlich zu erklären. Auch die Kommunikation verlief stets effizient und reibungslos. E-Mails wurden zeitnah beantwortet und telefonische Anfragen stets freundlich entgegengenommen. Cem26. September, 2023 Wir haben unsere Hypothek mit Finberg AG, Herrn Annen, erneuert. Die Zusammenarbeit war super gut. Schnelle Bearbeitung, pragmatisch und wir haben ein tolles Angebot am Schluss bekommen. Die Einreichung der Unterlagen war wirklich sehr einfach und die Antworten immer äusserst schnell. Wir würden jederzeit wieder mit Finberg AG zusammenarbeiten und können sie wärmstens empfehlen! Monika Murer4. Juni, 2023