Financial and pension planning

Mit einer frühzeitigen Finanzplanung wird man in der Lage sein, den dritten Lebensabschnitt selber zu gestalten und ist weniger von äusseren Gegebenheiten abhängig.

Damit Ihre Ziele keine Wünsche bleiben, erstellen wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen eine ganzheitliche und unabhängige Finanzplanung, welche auf Ihre Bedürfnisse und individuelle Situation abgestimmt ist.

Tax consultancy

Compare with our Tax calculator Your current tax burden compared to other municipalities or the change in the purchase of residential property.

Neben der Bearbeitung Ihre Steuererklärung, begleiten wir Sie aktiv bei der vorausschauenden Steuerplanung und berücksichtigen dabei die vorsorgerechtlichen Möglichkeiten.


Beim Thema Vorsorge denken viele an die Altersvorsorge. Bei einer ganzheitlichen Planung wird aber auch aufgezeigt, wie die Begünstigungen aus den verschiedenen Säulen aussehen und welche Optimierungsmöglichkeiten es gibt, um die Hinterbliebenen bestmöglich zu unterstützen.

Wir begleiten Sie bei der Umsetzung und erarbeiten gemeinsam mit Ihnen ein individuelles Konzept. 


Who receives my money from the pension fund, 3a account, or vested benefits account in the event of death?

It is well known that knowledge about one's own pension assets from the second pillar is often only superficial. However, when it comes to the options under pension law with regard to 2nd or 3rd pillar benefits, at the latest, only a few people really know what's going on. These benefits are an important part of financial security, especially for cohabiting couples with children. In the following article, we discuss the statutory minimum in the BVG, the additional options offered by most pension funds/employers, the differences between the two...

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The vested benefits account and vested benefits credit balance for cross-border commuters and expats

In the previous article, we discussed the topic of forgotten vested benefits assets, which totalled around 5.6 billion in 2022. In the following article, we explain what the vested benefits account is, when it is used and go into more detail about the vested benefits account for cross-border commuters and expats. We also explain the low interest rate of the Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution, what alternatives are available and explain the tax differences in our neighbouring countries.

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Home ownership in old age, sell or keep?

The most frequently cited reason for staying in a large detached house is that a rented flat would be more expensive! Find out whether this preconception is actually true when you look at the overall situation, what advantages and disadvantages the two options have and what else you need to consider in the latest Compass, including a practical example.

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The Individual Account - IK and what you need to consider

Why it is worth ordering the IK statement regularly and how the pension can change by CHF 15,000. The Individual Account (IK) records the income subject to contributions, the contribution periods and the care credits on an annual basis and forms the basis for the subsequent calculation of the retirement, survivors' or disability pension. In the following article, we will show an example from practice and take a closer look at the Individual Account.

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